Woodroe Writing Services
The Query Package

The Query Package

What is it?

The Query Package is a custom-designed editing pack that will boost your chances if you’re thinking of querying your novel via traditional avenues without breaking your budget.

The Query Package covers:

  • Developmental Deal-sealers: Your introduction, hook, character voice, and other vital first-page developmental issues agents usually consider. 
  • Line Editing your sample chapters: Word usage, spelling & grammar, dialogue, and other line-by-line corrections that will significantly improve the readability of your first three chapters. 
  • Essential Query Materials: Your query letter, synopsis, tweet pitch, one-sentence pitch, and elevator pitch. 

The Query Package does not cover:

  • In-depth developmental edits that extend beyond the sample chapters, such as character arcs, standard genre beats, foreshadowing, emotional arcs, subtext, ending, etc. For these, a full Developmental Edit is required.
  • Significant changes to style & voice, as well as Line Editing improvements beyond the first three chapters. For these, a full Line Edit is required.

What do you get?

  • An Annotated Manuscript, which is a version of your manuscript that contains suggested corrections and comments on the sample chapters.
  • A query letter edit, including a developmental pass and a line pass on your query letter, one-sentence pitch, and elevator pitch.
  • A synopsis edit, including a developmental pass and a line pass on your synopsis.
  • A tweet pitch edit, including up to three rounds on the same or different tweet pitches.
  • The chance to talk to me about your concerns, style, voice, and choices. Detailed explanations for every type of suggested edit, and the chance to debate alternative solutions if the original doesn’t work for you.
  • At least one re-read of your edited new sample chapters.

Standard fee

My standard rate for The Query Package is US$500; payable in one instalment. Ask for a free, no-strings-attached consultation!

Contact me now to request your free sample, or just to chat about your questions and doubts!
Alex is an amazing advocate for the vision and voice of your work. She doesn't just want to know how you're doing, but how you're *really* doing. One of her biggest strengths is asking the right questions, and then truly hearing what you have to say, then helping steer you towards the best decision when working out plot challenges or character development. She'll coach you through action scenes and make them flow, she'll champion your characters. Most importantly, she has a mastery of story structure and a wealth of industry knowledge that will give you a better feel for what you are trying to accomplish and how. Of course the process is hard, but she makes it fun, too.

Editor’s note: Not long after this testimonial, Lauren received her first book deal for the book we worked on together.

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